One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010

How to Use This Book

Essentially, I have followed the format recommended and used by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society:
Name and vital records.
Historical and biographical records.
Details provided by the Will.
List of children.
Massey Numbers
I have assigned a serial number to each person surnamed Massey; I call them Massey Numbers. These Massey Numbers resemble Social
Security Numbers, and serve the same purpose - positive identification of each person surnamed Massey. My Massey Number master list is in Massey Appendix II.
Confusing Given Names
The early Masseys named many of their children after their brothers, sisters and cousins. A pleasant custom, no doubt, but it led to confusion when it resulted in eight or ten Masseys, each with the same given name, and with overlapping life cycles. The use of Massey Numbers identifies each one; but to further clarify these situations, I have diagrammed many of them in Massey Appendix III: Confusing Given Names.
Bare-Bones Records
In far too many cases, all we are able to find out about a given person are his vital records - just the names, dates and places; practically nothing of his life and career.
Biographical Sketches
Where considerable additional factual material is available I show a plus sign [+] preceding the Massey Number, indicating that more material is to be found under his own name and number.
Ancestral Trail
Following each Massey family head is a parenthesized sequence of names; this is the ancestral trail, back to his emigrant ancestor.
Bracketed Dates
Wherever documented dates are available, I have used them. Where closely approximate dates can be determined from census or similar
records, I have used them, with the circa [c.] prefix. But there are many situations where documentation is of very minor help in determining dates. To facilitate further research, I have taken it on myself to assign these dates; they are not proven dates, but have been nominated by judgment and logic. I have bracketed these dates, so as to properly indicate their degree of accuracy; they are to be used for research only, and they should be used with caution.
Source Citations
I have elected to list all references pertaining to an individual at the end of his history, rather than to have a single long list or bibliography in a remote part of this book.  [The page numbers in italics, e.g. p.666, refer to the data retained in George Langford, Jr.'s Massey Data Bank, retained in the family - GL,III.]

Most of the small biographies in this book have been built up from a multiplicity of small bits and pieces of information gleaned from a wide variety of sources. I prefer to have these sources immediately available to other researchers, who may wish to use them as stepping stones to deeper research than I have been able to do. For example, I have never read most of the deeds that I have listed, and it is quite possible that they contain facts or wording that would add to our knowledge.
Spelling of the Name, Massey
Our Kent Co. and Queen Annes County Masseys usually used the spelling M-a-s-s-e-y, occasionally the spellings M-a-s-s-y or Ma-s-s-i-e. So did the Missouri branch of our family. So, I use the spelling Massey in this book. A partial listing of the many variations of the name Massey that occur in the records can be found in Massey Appendix IV.
Whenever I have found it desirable to elaborate, or to explain, or to theorize, or even to editorialize, I have resorted to the use of an Appendix. I have done this so frequently that my appendices have multiplied into Section IV of this book
Gaps & Omissions
These exist for one reason only; all attempts to secure the missing information have failed.

We would feel most pleasantly rewarded if readers of this book would come forward with any of this missing information that may be in their possession, or available somewhere.
No book is complete without including the standard apology for its inevitable errors, and this I now do, hoping that they may be few.

George Langford, Jr.