The table
below is from GL,Jr.'s Appendix V, Mace Family: Dorchester County, Maryland,
prepared ca. 1985, based on his access to the Maryland Calendar of
Wills through Judge Frank Massey and from his fifty years of research
up until then.
The table
below was prepared by GL,III from same Wills data as at left plus the
cited Maryland land deeds in Appendix LXII.
The deeds
cited on the preceding pages for Dorchester County contain many
references to Mace/Massey relatives by name and by their parents and or
siblings. This is first-hand information spoken by the principals
in the various transactions to the recording clerks and then
transcribed into the county record books, and from there digitally
scanned or microfilmed on to the Maryland
State Archives. Father's tree at left was largely and
explicitly speculative, which is why he named no specific sources
except the Wills abstracted by Judge Massey. I found the same
Wills in abstract form in the US Archive.Org online databases for the
first five volumes of Jane Baldwin Cotton's Maryland Calendar of
Wills, and can confirm that Judge Massey abstracted those wills
Langford, III, ed.