Section VI - Massey Data Bank | One Maryland Massey Family by George
Langford, Jr. 1901-1996 ©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010 |
December 17, 1742: Samuel Massey, inholder, and wife Sarah of Kent County complete the transfer of the town lot in Chestertown, it being part of Lott 43 and all of Lott No. 44, extending from Cross Street to Club Lane to the Free School of Kent County, upon receipt of a final payment of £440 from Henry Cully and wife Christian, of Chestertown. Acting for the Crown: James Harris and witnesses, Justices of the Peace Ebenezer Blackiston and Bedingfield Hands; James Smith is Kent County clerk. |
This indenture
made this 18th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and forty two between Samuel Massey of Kent County in the
province of Maryland in holders of the one part Henry Cully of Queen Anne's County and province aforesaid gentlemen of the other part. Whereas Simon Wilmer late of Kent County gentleman by indenture dated the sixth day of October which was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty one
for the consideration therein mentioned did grant and convey unto the
said Henry and Christian his wife all that piece or parcel of land
adjoining to the east side of the lot in Chestertown Kent County
aforesaid known by number 44 extending from cross street to Club Lane
and from the same lot till it reaches the land laid out and purchased
for the Free School of Kent County aforesaid to hold onto the same Henry
and Christian his wife and their heirs and to the heirs of the survivor
of them and to the proper use of the same Henry and Christian his and
their heirs for ever or by the said recited indenture may more fully
appear and whereas the said Henry and Christian afterwards to with the
sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty
by their indenture bearing date the same day and year last mentioned
did for the consideration therein mentioned did bargain and sell onto
the same Samuel the aforesaid piece or parcel of land which by the said
recited indenture is bounded as follows, that is to say: Beginning at a
post being the division of the garden [illegible] as the [illegible] run
northerly as far as the extent of the said Henry's above-described
bounds into the marsh which divides the said above granted land from the
freehold land aforesaid and with the said marsh to Cross Street
aforesaid and with Cross Street as it runs easterly to the aforesaid
dividing post the said post standing on the south side of the aforesaid
piece or parcel of land next to the said street being the dividing line
of the said Henry's garden and [illegible] Wilmer [illegible] together
with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
manner appertaining and all the estate right title interest claim
property and demand whatsoever of them this said Henry and Christian or
either of them aforesaid in by or out of the above granted piece or
parcel of land or any part thereof and the reversion and reversions,
remainder remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof to have and to
hold the same described piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances
unto the said Samuel his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and
behoof of the same Samuel's heirs and assigns forever or by the same
last recited indenture may more fully appear. Now this indenture:
Witnesseth that the same Samuel for and in consideration of the sum of
440 pounds current money to him in hand paid by the same Henry at the
sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged has granted bargained sold alien released reconveyed
enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents does grant bargain sell
alien release re-convey in fee and confirm unto the same Henry the
above-mentioned piece or parcel of land laid out unfounded as aforesaid
with the appurtenances aforesaid thereunto belonging and all the estate
right title interest claim property and demand whatsoever of him the
said Samuel therein or in any part thereof and the reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof
to have and to hold the parcel of land above described with the
appurtenances onto the same Henry his heirs and assigns to the only
proper use and behoof of the same Henry his heirs and assigns forever
and the said Samuel for himself his heirs executors & administrators
does hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said Henry his
heirs and assigns that he the said Samuel and his heirs the aforesaid
hereby granted piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances unto the
said Henry his heirs and assigns against him said Samuel and his heirs
in all and every other person or persons whatsoever claiming by from or
under him or them shall and will work up out and forever by the by those
presents defend. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid to these
presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year
first above written. Samuel Massey Sealed and delivered in the presence of: Ebenezer Blackiston B[edenfield] Hands Be it remembered this 18th day of September Anno Domini 1742 came before us two of his Lordship's justices of the peace for Kent County the within named Samuel Massey and did acknowledge the within writing to be his act and deed and likewise Sarah the wife of the said Samuel and acknowledged her assent to the same deed and being privately examined out of the hearing of her husband declared that the she made the same acknowledgment willingly and freely and without being induced thereto by fear or threats of ill usage by her said husband or for fear of his displeasure. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year above written. Ebenezer Blackiston B[edenfield] Hands Received this 18th day of September 1742 of the within named Henry Cully the sum of 440 pounds currency being in fall for the consideration within mentioned. [illegible] Samuel Massey Test: Ebenezer Blackiston December 17, 1742. Received of Mr. Henry Cully the sum of one penny sterling being for and alienation fine for the within premises. James Harris Memorandum: received within deed to be recorded in the records of Kent County according to act of assembly in such case lately made and provided. As witness my hand this 17th day of December in the year of our Lord 1742 James Smith clerk Recorded this 17th day of December in the year of our Lord 1742. James Smith clerk |
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