Section VI - Massey Data Bank | One Maryland Massey Family by George
Langford, Jr. 1901-1996 ©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010 |
17, 1742: After
a court battle over payments adding up to £1,160 and 1,000
pounds of tobacco, and for additional payments, Samuel Massey and
Sarah his wife finally execute an indenture mortgaging the town lot
Chestertown, it being part of Lott 43 and all of Lott No. 44,
extending from Cross Street to Club Lane to the Free School of
Kent County, to Henry Cully and wife Christian of Queen Anne's
Samuel Massey and his wife Sarah can freely occupy the premises so
long as their indebtedness is discharged in a timely fashion. Acting for
the Crown: James Harris and witnesses, Justices of the
Peace Ebenezer Blackiston and Bedingfield Hands; James Smith is
Kent County clerk. |
This indenture
made this 18th day of September in the year of our Lord seventeen
hundred and forty two between Samuel Massey of Kent County in the
province of Maryland, inholder, and Sarah his wife of the one part and
Henry Cully of Queen Anne's County and province as aforesaid, gentleman,
of the other part. Whereas the said Samuel Massey in and by four
overall obligations under his hand and seal duly executed dated the
eighteenth day of September Anno Domini seventeen hundred and forty two
stands bound unto the said Henry Cully in all the aforesaid obligations
in the sums of eleven hundred and sixty pounds current money of Maryland
and one thousand pounds of tobacco for the payment of forty pounds
current money aforesaid and all his said Henry's costs expended in an
action [illegible] said Henry then depending in the Provincial Court of
Maryland against the said Samuel has the same should be [illegible] by
the clerk of the said court has on or before the fourth day of December
next [illegible] the dates of the same obligations and for the payment
of two hundred pounds like money on or before the first day of October
next ensuing the dates of the same obligations and for the payment of
two hundred pounds like money on or before the fourth day of October
which should be in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and forty
three and for the payment of one hundred and forty pounds like money on
or before the fourth day of October which should be in the year of our
Lord seventeen hundred and forty four at Kent County aforesaid in full
discharge and satisfaction of all the said four obligations but if
default be made in payment of the said several sums then the said Samuel
thereby empowers any attorney in any court of record in his Majesty's
dominions to confess judgment on the said several obligations severally
as by the same obligations may more fully appear and wherever the said
Henry and Christian his wife by indenture dated the third day of January
in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and forty four the
consideration therein mentioned did grant and convey unto the said
Samuel in fee all that lot or parcel of land in Chestertown in Kent
County aforesaid known and distinguished by number forty four extending
from Cross Street to Club Lane and also nine feet of ground of part of a
lot adjoining to the west side of the said lot known by number forty
three extending from the lane to the street aforesaid with their
appurtenances as by the same recited indenture may more fully appear.
Now this indenture witnesseth that the same Samuel and Sarah for and in
consideration of the afford some of forty pounds current money aforesaid
and the costs aforesaid of the same Henry and of the aforesaid to sums
of two hundred pounds like money and of the aforesaid sum of one hundred
and forty pounds like money in the obligations aforesaid mentioned and
for the better [illegible] the payment thereof unto the said Henry his
executors administrators or signs according to the conditions of the
aforesaid recited obligations and also for and in consideration of the
further sum of five shillings current money aforesaid to the Samuel
aforesaid and Sarah in hand paid at the ceiling and delivery of these
presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted
bargained sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these
presents do grant bargain sell enfeoff release and confirm unto the said
Henry all the above described lots or parcels of land known and
distinguished by number forty four and also the above distinguished
described nine feet of ground with the appurtenances in all the estate
right title and interest claim property and demand whatsoever of them
this said Samuel and Sarah or either of them of in and to the aforesaid
hereby granted premises or any part thereof and the reversion and
reversions, the remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits
thereof to have and to hold the aforesaid lot distinguished by number
forty four as aforesaid and nine feet of ground aforesaid with the
appurtenances unto the same Henry and his heirs to the only proper use
and behoof of the same Henry his heirs and assigns forever provided
always that if the said Samuel his heirs executors administrators or
assigns shall well and firmly pay or cause to be paid into the said
Henry his executors administrators or assigns the aforesaid last
mentioned sums of money and the costs aforesaid according to the
conditions of the same obligations in full discharge of the said bonds
without any default whatsoever then these presents and the obligations
as aforesaid shall cease determine and become void and the said Samuel
for himself his heirs executors administrators and assigns does hereby
covenant and agree to and with the same Henry his heirs executors
administrators and assigns that he the same Samuel his heirs executors
administrators or assigns shall and will and truly pay or cause to be
paid unto the said Henry his executors administrators or assigns the
aforesaid principle sums of money and the costs aforesaid on the days
and times herein before mentioned for payment thereof in manner and form
aforesaid and that the said lots pieces or parcels of land hereby above
granted in every part thereof with the appurtenances now are and at all
times from and after any default that shall happen to be made of the
money and costs aforesaid in manner aforesaid shall remain continue
[illegible] to the said Henry his heirs and assigns free and clear
freely and clearly acquitted and discharged from all former and other
gifts grants bargains mortgages and other encumbrances whatsoever(the
quit rent due to the chief Lord of the [illegible] only exempt) and also
that he the said Samuel and his heirs and all and every other person or
persons whatsoever having or claiming that shall claim any estate right
title or interest of in or to the hereby granted premises or any part
thereof shall and will at any time or times after any default shall
happen to be made payment is aforesaid upon the reasonable request cost
and charges in the law of the said Henry his heirs or assigns make
execute and acknowledge or cause to be made executed and acknowledged
all and every such further and other reasonable acts deeds or devises in
law whatsoever for the further and better assurance and confirmation of
the hereby granted premises and appurtenances and to this said Henry
his heirs and assigns by him or them or by his or their counsel learned
in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or required. And the said
Henry does freely covenant and agree to and with the said Samuel his
heirs and assigns that until default be made of the payments aforesaid
he the said Henry his heirs and assigns shall and will permit and suffer
the said Samuel his heirs and assigns peaceably and quietly to hold
occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the hereby granted premises
and appurtenances and the profits thereof to receive and take without
the [illegible] hindrance or molestation of the said Henry his heirs or
assigns and without any anguish to be given to him or them for the
[illegible] anything therein before contained to the contrary
notwithstanding. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid to the
[illegible] presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals this
day and year first above written. Samuel Massey Sarah Massey Sealed and delivered in the presence of: Ebenezer Blackiston Bedingfield Hands On the 18th day of September Anno Domini seventeen hundred and forty two Samuel Massey and Sarah his wife the grantors within named came before us, two of his Lordships justices of the peace for Kent County and acknowledged the within indenture of bargain and sale written onto two sheets of paper to be their act and deed and the same Sarah having been privately examined out of the hearing of her said husband declares that she makes the said acknowledgment voluntarily and freely and without being induced thereto by fear or threats from our ill usage from her said husband or for fear of his displeasure. As witness our hands the day and year above written. Ebenezer Blackiston Bedingfield Hands December 17, 1742: received of Mr. Henry Cully the sum of 1 pound sterling being for and alienation fines for the within mentioned premises. James Harris Memorandum: Received the within deed to be recorded in the records of Kent County according to act of assembly in such cases lately made and provided. Witness my hand this 17th day of December in the year of our Lord 1742. James Smith clerk Recorded this 17th day of December in the year of our Lord 1742. James Smith clerk |
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