Section VI - Massey Data Bank | One Maryland Massey Family by George
Langford, Jr. 1901-1996 ©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010 |
July 18, 1743: Samuel Massey, hatter, and wife Sarah of Chestertown in Kent County, Maryland, sell for ten thousand pounds of tobacco and and six hundred and twenty five bushels of wheat unto John Milbourne a parcel consisting of Lot No.43 in Chestertown. Courses: Beginning at the South West corner of a brick house standing on the same lot on Cross Street and running from thence with the said street North East seventy eight feet, thence North West seventy eight feet, thence South West seventy eight feet and from thence South West to the aforesaid street and place of beginning. Acting for the Crown: James Harris and Justices of the Peace for Kent County, Charles Hynson and Bedingfield Hands. Witnesses: Mssrs. Calder and Nicols. |
This indenture
made this sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord Christ seventeen
hundred and forty three between Samuel Massey of Chestertown in
Kent County province of Maryland, hatter of the one part and John
Milbourne of the same county and province, gentleman of the other part.
Witnesseth that the same Samuel for and in consideration of the sum of
ten thousand pounds of tobacco and six hundred and twenty five bushels
of wheat which the said John to said Samuel before the execution of
these presents has well and truly paid and satisfied the receipt whereof
the same Samuel does hereby acknowledge and confess and herewith this
grant himself to be well satisfied and paid thereof does fully and
absolutely acquit and discharge the same John his heirs executors and
administrators forever has granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed
released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain
sell alien [illegible] release convey and confirm unto the same John
Milbourne his heirs and assigns forever all that messuage tenement and
part and parcel of land situated in Chestertown aforesaid being part of
that lot in the same town which is known and distinguished by the number
forty three beginning at the southwest corner of a brick [illegible]
house standing on the same lot on Cross Street and running from thence
with the said street Northeast seventy eight feet hence Northwest
seventy eight feet thence Southwest seventy eight feet and from thence
Southwest to the aforesaid street and place of beginning and also all
houses and edifices buildings yards gardens ways paths easements
liberties privileges and immunities profits commodities and emoluments
advantages tenants hereditaments appurtenances whatsoever under the same
tenement and piece of land of in or into the same or any part or parcel
thereof to have to hold all and singular the messuage tenement and
piece or parcel of land aforesaid contained within the lines and bounds
aforesaid in every part thereof with the premises and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any manner appertaining unto him the same John
Milbourne his heirs and assigns forever to and for the sole and proper
use and behoof of him the same John his heirs and assigns forever and
the same Samuel Massey for himself his heirs executors and
administrators doth hereby covenant and promise of grant to and with the
same John Milbourne his heirs and assigns in manner following that is
to say that he the same John his heirs and assigns shall lawfully and
may from time to time and at all times hereafter freely peaceably and
quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the
herein before granted bargained or mentioned to be granted and bargained
messuage tenement and piece or parcel of land with the premises and
appurtenances thereunto belonging without any [illegible] suit trouble
[illegible] disturbance or hindrance whatsoever of him said Samuel or of
any other person or persons whatsoever and that the same hereby granted
messuage tenement and piece or parcel of land and every part thereof
with the appurtenances now in and forever hereafter shall remain
confirmed to be unto him the same John his heirs and assigns free and
clear freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharge of and from
all former and other bargains mortgages sales gifts grants jointures
dowers and estates titles trouble charges and encumbrances which
[illegible] had made committed or done by him the same Samuel his heirs
or any other person or persons whatsoever and that he the said Samuel
and his heirs all the aforesaid messuage tenement and parcel of land
herein before granted bargained or mentioned to be granted bargained
with the premises and appurtenances thereto belonging in every part and
parcel thereof against himself the said Samuel and his heirs and against
all and every other person persons whatsoever unto him the said John
Milbourne his heirs assigns shall and will warrant and forever by these
presents defend and lastly that he the said Samuel and his heirs shall
and will at any time or times hereafter at the reasonable request and
proper costs and charges of the said John his heirs or assigns make
acquit and suffer any further or other deed or deeds conveyance or
conveyances assurance or assurances in the same whatsoever for the
further and better [illegible] [illegible] and conveying the hereby
granted bargained premises unto him the said John his heirs or assigns
according to the true intent and meaning of the these presents as by him
the said John shall be reasonably devised advised or required. In
witness whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto interchangeably set
their hands and seals the day and year above written. Samuel Massey Sealed and delivered in the presence of: James Calder [illegible] Nicols Be it remembered that on the sixteenth day of July Anno Domini seventeen hundred and forty three Samuel Massey the grantor within named personally came before us two of his Lordship's justices of the peace for Kent County and voluntarily acknowledge the within written indenture of bargain and sale to be his act and deed and the mess watch tenement and piece of land with the appurtenances thereon mentioned to be granted to be by virtue thereof the right and the state of the within named John Milbourne his heirs and assigns forever and we the underwritten to further certify that Sarah the wife of the same Samuel appeared at the same time and acknowledged her assent of and to the same indenture and sale and she being privately examined out of the hearing of the said Samuel for husband declared that she made the same acknowledgment willingly and freely and without being induced thereto by fear or threats of ill usage of her said husband or for fear of his displeasure. This was done persuant to the act of assembly in such cases lately made and provided. As witness our hands the day and year above written. Charles Hynson Bedenfield Hands Received this sixteenth day of July Anno Domini seventeen hundred and forty three from John Milbourne within named ten thousand pounds of tobacco and six hundred twenty five bushels of wheat in full for the consideration within mentioned I say received. Samuel Massey Test James Calder [illegible] Nicols July 16, 1743: Received of the aforesaid John Milbourne the sum of one half penny sterling being for and alienation fine for the within mentioned parcel of land receipt for the use of the Lord proprietary. by James Harris Recorded this eighteenth day of July seventeen hundred and forty three by James Smith clerk |
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