Section VI - Massey Data Bank | One Maryland Massey Family by George
Langford, Jr. 1901-1996 ©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010 |
January 29, 1744: Samuel Massey sells, for the sum of fifty thousand pounds of tobacco, Lot No.44, fronting on Cross Street in Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland, and bounded on the westward by the alley leading from Cross Street to Club Lane, on the northward by the line of the Free School land, on the eastward by the easternmost bounds of the said Lot No. 44 and to the southward by Cross Street. Acting for the Crown and as witnesses: Justices of the Peace, Bedingfield Hands and John Williamson; James Smith is Kent County clerk. |
This indenture
made this twenty ninth day of January in the year of our Lord Christ
seventeen hundred and forty and four between Samuel Massey of Kent
County and Chestertown in the province of Maryland, hatter of the one
part and John Milbourne lately of the same town and County, gentlemen of
the other part. Witnesseth that the Samuel for and in consideration of
the sum of fifty thousand pounds of tobacco by the same John to him the
said Samuel in hand already paid the receipt whereof the said Samuel
does freely acknowledge has granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed
released and confirmed and by these presents does grant bargain sell
alien enfeoff lease and confirm unto the same John Milbourne his heirs
and assigns forever all that messuage tenement parcel and lot of land
situate lying and being in Chestertown aforesaid known and distinguished
by the plot in a survey of the same town by the number forty four in
the tenure and possession of the said Samuel now being fronted on Cross
Street bounded on the westward by the alley leading from the said street
to Club Lane on the northward by the line of the Free School land,
eastward by the easternmost bounds of said lot number forty four and to
the southward by Chross Street aforesaid together with all and singular
the houses buildings gardens enclosures and appurtenances whatsoever
thereunto belonging or appertaining and the remainder and remainders
reversion and reversions thereof and all the estate right title and
interest whatsoever of him said Samuel Massey of in and to the same
tenement and lot and every part thereof to have and to hold all and
singular the messuage tenement parcel or lot of land aforesaid with the
premises and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the said John
Milbourne his heirs and assigns forever to and for the safe sole and
proper use of him the same John his heirs and assigns forever in the
same Samuel Massey for himself his heirs executors and administrators
doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with the same John
Milbourne his heirs and assigns that he the same John his heirs or
assigns shall and may at all times heretofore peaceably and quietly have
told occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the aforesaid messuage
tenement and lot of land with the premises and appurtenances thereunto
belonging in every part thereof without the lett suit trouble eviction
or molestation of him the said Samuel or any other person or persons
whatsoever lawfully having or claiming any right title or interest
therein or in any part thereof and that the same hereby granted and
bargained messuage tenement and lot of land with the appurtenances now
are and forever hereafter shall remain continue and be unto the same
John his heirs and assigns free and clear freely and clearly exonerated
acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and
other gifts grants sale mortgages dowers and titles of dowry wills
trouble charges encumbrances whatsoever of him the said Samuel and of
all and every other persons whatsoever and lastly he the same Samuel
Massey and his heirs all the aforesaid hereby granted and bargained
messuage and tenement and lot of land with the premises and
appurtenances thereunto belonging and every part and parcel thereof
subject always nevertheless to the usual and [illegible] quit rents
thereafter to become due to the Lord proprietary unto the same John
Milbourne his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever by
these presents defend as well against himself the same Samuel and his
heirs as against all other persons and persons whatsoever. In witness
whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto interchangeably set their
hands and seals the day and year above written. Samuel Massey Sealed and delivered in the presence of: Bedingfield Hands John Williamson Memorandum that on the 29th day of January Anno Domini seventeen hundred and forty four Samuel Massey the grantor within named appeared personally before us the subscribers to of the Right Honorable the Lord Proprietary's justices of the peace for Kent County and acknowledged this within written indenture of bargain and sale to be his act and deed of land with the messuage tenement and lott of land with the appurtenances therein mentioned to be granted to be the estate and right of the within named John Milbourne his heirs and assigns forever according to the intent and meaning of the [illegible] deed and at the same time Sarah the wife of the said Samuel appeared and acknowledged her free and free assent to the [illegible] within written deed and the said Sarah being by us privately examined out of the hearing of her said husband declared that she made her acknowledgment of the same willingly and freely and without being induced thereto by fear or threat of ill usage by her husband or fear of his displeasure. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year above written . Bedingfield Hands John Williamson The within deed received the 29th day of January 1744. Recorded this 2nd day of April 1745. by James Smith clerk Kent County |
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