Section VI - Massey Data Bank | One Maryland Massey Family by George
Langford, Jr. 1901-1996 ©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010 |
October 9, 1747: Samuel Massey, hatter of Kent County in Maryland sells for £40 the 6 acre tract called Jormaine (Jerman) Point to Peregrine Browne, gentleman, also of Kent County. Courses: Beginning at the base of a point on the West side of Turners Creek above the landing which said barr being, South seventy eight degrees East three perches from a bounded chestnut standing on a high bank of the said point, and running thence South sixty three degrees West twenty six perches, then South eighteen degrees West fourteen perches, then South fifty two degrees West twenty two perches to the line of a tract of land called Broad Oak, then running with the same line North six degrees East thirty two perches, then North sixty five degrees east twenty perches, then East twenty perches, then with a straight line to the beginning. Acting for the Crown: George Garnett and Charles Scott as witnesses; Justices of the Peace Charles Scott and [[illegible] signature]; James Smith is Kent County clerk. |
[illegible]: this indenture made the ninth day of October seventeen
hundred and forty and seven between Samuel Massey of Chestertown in the
province aforesaid, hatter of the one part and Peregrine Browne of Kent
County aforesaid, gentleman of the other part. Witnesseth the said
Samuel Massey for and in consideration of the sum of 40 pounds current
money of Maryland to him in hand paid by the same Peregrine Browne the
receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge has granted bargained sold
aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents do grant
bargain sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto him the said
Peregrine Browne his heirs and assigns forever all that parcel of land
contained within the lines and bounds hereafter specified being part of a
tract of land called Jormaine Point lying in Kent County on the west
side of Turner's Creek beginning at the barr of a point on the west side
of Turner's Creek above the landing which said barr being South seventy
eight degrees East three perches from a bounded chestnut standing on a
high bank of the said point and running thence South sixty three degrees
West twenty six perches thence South eighteen degrees West fourteen
perches thence South fifty two degrees West twenty two perches to the
line of a tract of land called Broad Oak than running with the same line
north six degrees East thirty two perches to the beginning post of the
aforesaid Broad Oak then North fifteen degrees West six perches then
North sixty two degrees East twwnty perches thence East twenty perches
then with a straight line to the beginning containing within the bounds
six acres of land be the same more or less together with all and
singular the woods ways easements emoluments hereditaments and
appurtenances whatsoever unto the said granted premises belonging or in
any wise thereto appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder
and remainders and all the estate right title and interest claim
properly and demand whatsoever of him the same Samuel Massey his heirs
and assigns of in and to the said hereby granted premises and every part
thereof to have and to hold this said granted parcel of land and
premises contained within the metes and bounds aforesaid with the
appurtenances in every part thereof unto the said Peregrine Browne his
heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of him the
said Peregrine Browne his heirs and assigns forever in the same Samuel
Massey for himself his heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant grant and
agree to and with the said Peregrine Browne his heirs and assigns that
he the same Samuel Massey his heirs and assigns the said granted parcel
of land according to the bounds of lines before [illegible] with the
premises and appurtenances thereto belonging onto the same Peregrine
Browne his heirs and assigns as well against him the same Samuel Massey
and his heirs assigns as against all and every other person or persons
whatsoever anything in out of unto the aforesaid granted parcel of land
and premises has before butted and bounded shall and will by these
presents warrant and forever defend. In witness whereof the said parties
to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals the
day and year first above written. Samuel Massey Sealed and delivered in presence of: George Garnett Charles Scott Kent County: Be it remembered that on the ninth day of October seventeen hundred and forty and seven came Samuel Massey (the grantor within named) and personally appeared before us two of his Lordship's the Right Honorable the Lord Proprietary, his justices of the peace for the county aforesaid and acknowledge the within deed of bargain and sale to be his act and deed and the land and premises therein mentioned to be granted to be and remain the right and estate of the within named Peregrine Browne his heirs and assigns forever at the same time also came Sarah wife of the aforesaid Samuel and did acknowledge assent to the same deed (she being first privately examined out of the hearing of her said husband) declared that she made the same acknowledgment freely and willingly without being induced thereto by fear of or ill usage from her said husband or fear of his displeasure. Witness our hands: [illegible signature] Charles Scott October 9, 1747: Received of Mr. Peregrine Browne within named the sum of 40 pounds current money of Maryland being the consideration within mentioned. Samuel Massey Witness: George Garnett October 9, 1747: Received of Mr. Peregrine Browne three pence sterling, it being the alienation fee due on the within premises for his Lordship's use. George Garnett Recorded this ninth day of October 1747. James Smith, Kent County Clerk |
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