County etc.By virtue of part of a special warrant granted Peter and
Nicholas Massey
of Kent County on the 19th of March last for fifty five acres of land as may
appear [illegible.] This is to certify that I, the subscriber, Deputy Surveyor of Kent County,
have surveyed and laid out for the Peter and Nicholas Masseys a parcel
of land called Slipe alongside of Massey's Venture lying contiguous and
joining to the Peter & Nicholas Massey land in the same County.
Beginning at a bounded hickory standing at the end of the East line of
said land lying in Kent County [illegible ... illegible] that
[illegible] out of Chester River and running from said hickory South
60° East 38 perches, thence South 16° West 48 perches, thence South
140 perches thence East 20 perches, thence South 21° West 32 perches
thence North 66° 62 perches, thence North East 68 perches, then a straight
line to the beginning hickory containing and now laid out for twenty five acres
of land more or less whereon is contained about three acres of clear ground
in a long narrow slippe with an indifferent oak rail fence alongside
along one side or better of the same ground. One post in the ground clap
boarded thirty feet long indifferent old dwelling house one ten foot long
boarded house and one small log corn house [illegible.] The said
land to be held of the Mannor of Baltemore in Kent County this 30th
March 1730.
No.1 S.60° E. 38 perches.
2 S.16° W. 48 perches.
3 South 140 perches.
4 East 20 perches.
5 S. 24° W. 32 perches.
6 N.66° W. 62 perches.
7 N. East 68 perches
8 in a straight line
Nichols Massey D.
To survey 25 acres 25
To 3 plats 30
To 3 Cert's 15
To journey fee 80
Platted by a scale of 100 perches in an inch by
George Skirven
Deputy Surveyor Kent County
