indenture made the 27th
day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
two between Elijah Massey and
Nicholas Massey, both of Kent County and State of Maryland of the
one part and Benjamin Massey of the county and state aforesaid of the
other part. Witnesseth that the aforesaid Elijah Massey and
Massey for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred pounds
current money
to them in hand paid by the aforesaid Benjamin Massey before the sealing
and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the aforesaid Elijah
Massey and Nicholas does hereby acknowledge and from every part thereof
doth exonerate acquit and discharge the aforesaid Benjamin Massey, his
heirs, executors, and administrators forever, having given granted,
bargained, sold, aliened, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed
and by
these presents do freely and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell,
release, enfeoff, convey, and confirm unto the aforesaid Benjamin
Massey, his heirs and assigns, forever all that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Kent County aforesaid and within the meets and bounds
following, to wit: beginning at a marked Spanish oak tree being the
easternmost bounds of a tract of land called Smyths Park and running
from the said oak Southwest one hundred and six perches to the land
belonging (formerly)
to Robert Little (deceased) and from thence East thirty degrees south
with the same lands one hundred and ninety-five perches then North one
hundred and forty-six perches and then with a
straight line to the first tree containing and laid out for one hundred
more by the same more or less by whatsoever name or names or howsoever
the same or any part thereof is called or known with all and every the
rights, members, and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anyways
appertaining and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, and
whatsoever both in law and equity of them, the said Elijah Massey and
Nicholas Massey, of and in and unto the said part and parcel services to
the same belonging or in any ways appertaining, and all the estate,
right, title,interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, both in law and
equity, of them the said Elijah Massey and Nicholas Massey, of in and
unto the said part and parcel of land and any part and parcel thereof
and the revision, revisions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and
services to the same belonging or in an ways appertaining, to have and
to hold the
said parcel of land and premises with the tenements and appurtenances
unto the said Benjamin Massey, his heirs and assigns, unto his and their
persons use and behoof forever and the aforesaid Elijah Massey and
Nicholas Massey furthermore illegible and their heirs executors and
administrators do hereby given covenant, grant, and agree to and with
said Benjamin Massey, his heirs and assigns, in manner and form
that is to say, that they, the same Elijah Massey and Nicholas Massey,
the time of sealing and delivery of these presents were rightfully of a
good, free and absolute estate in fee simple of and in the aforesaid
moiety of the said parcel of land and premises without any manner
covenant, condition, limitation, or proviso to alter, charge, change,
encumber, and defeat the same and that they will continue so seized
thereof [illegible] a good, perfect, and absolute estate in fee simple
be [illegible] in the aforesaid Benjamin Massey and his heirs according
to the true intent and meaning and by virtue of these presents and the
aforesaid Elijah Massey and Nicholas Massey do further
for themselves, their heirs and executors, and administrators covenant,
grant, and agree to and with
the aforesaid Benjamin Massey, his heirs and assigns, that they, the
aforesaid Elijah Massey and Nicholas Massey or either of them
there or either of their heirs, executors, or administrators, shall and
will at all times hereafter and at the reasonable request and at the
proper cost and charge in the law of them of him the aforesaid Benjamin
Massey, his heirs or assigns, make, do, and suffer, execute, and
acknowledge all
and every such further act and acts, conveyance and conveyances,
assurance and assurances, in the law whatsoever for the more perfect
assuring and confirming the aforesaid parcel of land and premises and
any part thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Benjamin
Massey, his heirs and assigns, which he or they or his or their counsel
learned in the law shall reasonably require or devise and lastly, the
aforesaid Elijah Massey and Nicholas Massey for themselves and their
heirs do further covenant, grant to and with the said Benjamin
Massey, his heirs and assigns, that they, the same Elijah Massey and
Nicholas Massey, and their heirs, the aforesaid parcel of land in every
thereof with the hereditaments and appurtenances unto the aforesaid
Benjamin Massey, his heirs and assigns, against all manner of persons
whatsoever shall and will warrant and by these presents forever defend.
In witness whereof the parties aforesaid interchangeably set their ...
[The rest, i.e., page 151, is missing -GL,III, ed.]


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