Anne's County to wit, Be it remembered that on the twenty first day of
September Anno Domini eighteen hundred and one the following deed was
brought to be recorded to wit:
This indenture made the fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord
eighteen hundred and one. Between Daniel Toas Massey of Queen Anne's
County in the State of Maryland, farmer of the one part and Hemsley
Massey of the county and state aforesaid, farmer of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Daniel Toas Massey for and in consideration of
the sum of two hundred eighty pounds ten shillings current money of
Maryland to him in hand paid by the said Hemsley Massey before the
sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, have bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released, and
confirmed and by these presents do bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff,
release, and confirm unto the said Hemsley Massey, his heirs, and assigns,
all that part of a tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in
Queen Anne's County and the State of Maryland called and known by the
name of Collins's Range which is contained within the following lines
and bounds. Beginning at the second bounded tree of the original tract
of land aforesaid and running from thence with the second line of the
said original tract of land with an allowance of three degrees for
variation East one hundred fifty perches and from thence with the third
line of the original tract of land aforesaid and with an allowance of
three degrees for variation North forty four perches and seven tenths of
a perch thence South eighty nine degrees West one hundred fifty perches
until it intersects the first line of the said original tract of land
and from thence South with an allowance of three degrees for variation
and running with the said first line of the original tract of land
aforesaid forty nine perches and nine tenths of a perch to the aforesaid
place of beginning at the said second bounded tree of the said original
tract of land containing and now laid out for forty six acres and three
fourths of an acre of land be [illegible] more or less together with
all and singular the houses and house buildings, gardens, orchards,
improvements, woods, underwoods, ways, water, watercourses, profits,
commodities, advantages, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to
the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof
and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand
both in law and equity which he the said Daniel Toas Massey may or can
have of in and to the same in every part thereof. To have and to hold
all and singular the above granted parcel of land and premises with the
appurtenances unto the said Hemsley Massey, his heirs, and assigns, to his
and their own proper use and behoof forever and the said Daniel Toas
Massey for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, that hereby
covenant, promise, and agree to and with the said Hemsley Massey his
executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns, that he the said Daniel
Toas Massey and his heirs and all persons claiming under him or them
shall and will at all times hereafter at the reasonable request and at
the proper costs and charges of the said Hemsley Massey, his heirs, or
assigns, make, do, execute, and suffer or caused to be made, done,
executed, and suffered such further and other act and act, deed and
deeds, conveyance and conveyances, assurance and assurances, thing and
things, for the further, better used, more effectual conveyance,
assurance, and [illegible] of the hereby bargained and sold parcel of
land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Hemsley Massey,
his heirs, and assigns, according to the true intent and meaning hereof as
shall be by the said Hemsley Massey, his heirs, or assigns, or his or
their counsel learned in the law from time to time advised, devised,
required, or directed. And the said Daniel Toas Massey for himself, his
heirs, executors, and administrators, does hereby further covenant,
promise, and agree to and with the said Hemsley Massey, his heirs, and
assigns, that he the said Daniel Toas Massey and his heirs, the land and
premises aforesaid with the appurtenances [will defend] against him and
his heirs and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever
to the said Hemsley Massey his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant
and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said
parties to these presents have thereunto interchangeably set their hands
and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of
Jon Bready |
Daniel Toas Massey {seal} |
On the back of the original deed was thus endorsed to wit:
Received on the fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and of the within named Hemsley Massey the sum of
two hundred and eighty pounds ten shillings current money in full of
the consideration money within mentioned.
Witness Jon Bready |
Daniel Toas Massey |
Queen Anne's County to
wit. Be it remembered that on the seventeenth day of August in the year
of our Lord eighteen hundred and one personally appeared before me, the
subscriber, one of the aforesaid justices for the county aforesaid the
within named Daniel Toas Massey and acknowledged the within instrument
of writing to be his act and deed and the lands and premises with the
appurtenances therein granted to be the right and the state of the
within named Hemsley Massey, his heirs and assigns, according to the
true intent and meaning of the same deed at the same time also appeared
before me, the subscriber, the wife of the said Daniel Toas Massey and
did acknowledge the within deed and who being privately examined by me
out of the hearing of her said husband did declare that she did
acknowledge the same deed willingly and freely and without being induced
thereto by fear or threats of or ill usage by her said husband or fear
of his displeasure. Witness my hand the day and year above written.
Jon Bready