Anne's County to wit.: March the eighteenth day Anno Domini one
thousand seven hundred and eighty six the following instrument of
writing was brought to be recorded to wit:
Know all men by these presents, that whereas by an indenture of a lease
or demise, bearing date the eighth day of April in the year one thousand
seven hundred and seventy five, made or mentioned to be made between
Negro Absalom, commonly called and known by the name of Absalom Gibbs of
Queen Anne's County, free Negro, planter of the one part, and me,
Eleazer Massey of said county, gentlemen of the other part, the said
Absalom in consideration of the sum of twenty eight pounds sixteen
shillings and seven pence common currency of said county therein
mentioned to be paid to the said Absalom, and and which was accordingly
paid, did demise, grant, lease, set, and to farm, let unto me the said
Eleazer, my executors, administrators, and assigns all the [illegible]
Absalom, his right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand
whatsoever of in or to his undivided part of a tract of land called
Hillmanning Plains containing by estimation fifty eight acres and an
half acre of land more or less. To hold the same unto me the said
Eleazer, my executors, administrators, and assigns from the day of the
date of the card in part recited indenture of demise for and during and
unto the full end and term of three years and an half from thence next
ensuing and fully to be complete and ended, at and under the yearly rent
of one peppercorn if demanded: In which said in part recited
indenture of lease was contained a proviso or condition that the same as
should be void on payment of the said sum of twenty eight pounds
sixteen shillings and seven pence like money aforesaid with legal
interest thereon, at a day long since passed as in and by the said in
part recited indenture of lease named more fully appear. And whereas the
said sum of twenty eight pounds sixteen shillings and seven pence with
the legal interest thereon hath been paid and satisfied unto me on the
day in the said proviso or condition mentioned and limited for the
payment thereof. Now know ye that the said Eleazer Massey, in
consideration of the said sum of money with the legal interest thereon
having been fully paid and satisfied as aforesaid, have remised,
released and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise,
release, and forever quit-claim unto the said Absalom, his heirs,
executors, and administrators, all the estate, right, title, interest,
benefit, claim, and demand whatsoever, which I, the said Eleazer Massey,
my heirs, executors, or administrators can shall or may have or claim
of in or to the said land and premises all or of or in any part thereof
by virtue of the said in part recited indenture or other wise howsoever,
so that neither I the said Eleazer, my heirs, executors, or
administrators at any time thereafter shall or will claim, challenge, or
demand any interest, property, benefit, or other thing in any manner
whatsoever of in or to the land and premises before recited by reason or
means of the said in part recited indenture or any covenant therein
contained but thereof and thereupon and of and from all actions, suits
and demands which I, my heirs, executors,or administrators may have
concerning the same, shall be forever debarred by these presents. In
witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the twenty seventh
day of February in the year seventeen hundred and eighty six.
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of |
Eleazer Massey {seal} |
V. Downs; John Lacey |
On the back of the foregoing indenture was thus endorsed viz.: Be
it remembered that on the twenty seventh day of February in the year
seventeen hundred and eighty six, Eleazer Massey, within named,
personally came before me, the subscriber, one of the Justices of Queen
Anne's County Court and did acknowledge the foregoing release to be his
act and deed to and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
V. Downs