Section VI - Massey Data Bank One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010


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GL, Jr. notes & abstracts Major outside sources
Massey Data Bank - Volume VI

Elgin M. Thornton: letter received March 29, 1979 by GL,Jr. that accompanies an outline of his wife's Massey lineage

Above-described Massey genealogy, starting from Joseph W. Massey, son of Daniel T. Massey & Sarah Massey

GL,Jr.: letter of March 31, 1979 to Elgin M. Thornton, thanking him for the report and describing his efforts with the Massey book

Mrs. Regina (Gina) Ann Holland, letter of March 23, 1979 to GL,Jr., with data obtained from Mildred Massey Cotton regarding Benjamin Ulpian Massey and his children and the fate of Benjamin Franklin Massey's autobiography

Benjamin Ulpian Massey: letter of April 9, 1907 to Dr. John F. Snyder, outlining the biography of his father, Benjamin Franklin Massey

GL,Jr.: Chart tying the families of Mordecai Cooke and James Massey to Sydney Holmes, mother of George Langford, Jr.

GL,Jr.: letter of March 31, 1979 to Gina Holland, acknowledging the letter of 1305-1306, and asking whether Gina might find out something about Logan Sydney Massey and Daniel Toas Massey, either through Mildred Cotton or through E. Thomas Massey

GL, Jr.: letter of March 31, 1979 to Larry A. James regarding William Tingle and Ben. F. Massey

GL,Jr.: letter of April 2, 1979 to Orville L. (Lou) Hough regarding the Tingle/Massey real estate deals and the Daniel Toas Massey confusion

General highway map of Lawrence County, Missouri, dated May 1, 1974

Theodore L. (Ted) Brownyard: letter of March 22, 1979 to GL,Jr. describing his tract-deed research findings at the Bureau of Land Management in Silver Springs, Maryland

Ted Brownyard's detailed tract-deed findings described above

GL,Jr.: notes regarding the arrangement of section lines in Missouri, Township 27N, Range 29W for the following tracts

GL,Jr.: details of original tract purchases, with individuals, tract locations & acreages, dates gleaned from (1) Tract Book, Silver Spring, Maryland (1322) (2) Land Entry Records, Springfield, Missouri(1232), and (3) Land Entry Index, Jasper County, Missouri (1139)

GL,Jr.: additional notes regarding the above data as well as tracts affected by the Powell brothers' lawsuit against William Tingle and Ben. F. Massey

GL,Jr.: request to the Missouri State Archives regarding plat maps in Jasper County 1323

GL,Jr.: cover letter of February 15, 1979 to the Missouri State Archives requesting tract deeds for the individuals listed in 1322B

Alice L. Bond: letter of April 3, 1979 to GL,Jr. regarding the Daniel T.Massey confusion

GL,Jr.: letter to Alice L. Bond regarding her geographical suggestions about the Daniel T. Massey confusion

GL,Jr.: letter to Judge Frank A. Massey regarding the Daniel T. Massey confusion and especially the Daniel Toas "Ledger" Massey

GL,Jr.: letter of April 9, 1979 to Lou Hough, referring to his 1328 letter to Judge Massey

Larry A. James: letter received April 9, 1979 by GL,Jr. in which Mr. James accounts for a B.F. Massey age 57 in the 1880 Census of Newtonia in Newton County, Missouri

GL,Jr.: letter of April 10, 1979 to Larry James regarding the above find, asking for occupation data for William Tingle & Ben. F. Massey in other census records, and a Newton County map

GL,Jr.: layout of township maps in Jasper and Lawrence Counties, Missouri

Missouri: Map of Township 29 North, Range 29 West

Missouri: Map of Township 28 North, Range 30 West
Missouri: Map of Township 28 North, Range 29 West
Missouri: Map of Township 28 North, Range 28 West
Missouri: Map of Township 27 North, Range 29 West
Missouri: Map of Township 27 North, Range 28 West
GL,Jr.: letter of April 13, 1979 to Judge Massey regarding the Daniel Toas Massey confusion

GL,Jr.: diagrammatic notes attempting to unscramble the Daniel Toas Massey confusion

GL,Jr.: letter of April 13, 1979 to Lou Hough regarding the Daniel Toas Massey confusion and the Tingle - Massey real estate ventures

Alice L. Bond: letter of April 10, 1979 to GL,Jr. describing the ledger in Mrs. Cowles's possession, whose first entry was in 1761, last in 1804, and consists mostly of mercantile entries, listed below

Alice L. Bond: synopsis of ledger entries in the above-described book, with names & dates

Lou Hough: letter of April 10, 1979 to GL,Jr. discussing the Daniel Toas Massey confusion

Lou Hough: another page of the same letter with his hypothesis about the identities of the various Daniel Toas Masseys

GL,Jr.: letter of April 16, 1979 to Lou Hough passing along Alice L. Bond's ledger material in 1346-1347

Judge Massey: letter of April 14, 1979 to GL,Jr. describing his reaction to the ledger data and chatting about his new book, then at the printer

GL,Jr.: letter of April 19, 1979 to Judge Massey describing the Daniel Toas Massey confusion and the descendants with whom he has been trying to unscramble the mess; and stating where the following genealogical research will be donated: Massey to Judge Massey; Holmes to the Rowan County, North Carolina Public Library, Langford to the St. Paul, Minnesota Historical Society, and Patrick to Mrs. Margaret Curnow

GL,Jr.: Hypothetical genealogical chart for the descendants of Daniel Toas Massey, d. 1701

Lou Hough: letter of April 16, 1979 to Judge Massey, Mrs. Coyne Cowles, GL,Jr., Alice L, Bond, and Charles E. Massey, describing his analysis of the Daniel Toas Massey confusion

Lou Hough: genealogical chart of April 19, 1979 for the descendants of Nicholas Massey, b.1660, d. 1726

GL,Jr.: detailed letter of April 23, 1979 to Lou Hough with copies to Judge Massey, Mrs. Coyne Cowles, Alice L. Bond and Charles E. Massey regarding the Daniel Toas Massey confusion

Larry A. James: letter of April 18, 1979 to GL,Jr. relaying data from the August 10, 1870 Census of Newtonia, Newton County, Missouri, containing references to Benjamin Massey, age 59, clerk and Robert D(ouglass) Massey, age 11, from the 1870 Census of Jasper County, Missouri for William Tingle & family, and from the 1880 Census of Galena Township, Jasper County, also for William Tingle & family, and additional data for the 1840, 1850 and 1860 Censuses

General highway map of Newton County, Missouri, dated June 1, 1977
General highway map of Howard County, Missouri, dated November 3, 1976
GL,Jr.: note regarding Maps that he requested for Cooper and Howard Counties, dated April 10, 1979

William R, Nuttle, Registered Surveyor: note dated April 16, 1979 to GL,Jr. stating that county maps can be purchased from Sutton's Towne Stationers, Chestertown, Maryland

GL,Jr.: letter of April 30, 1979 to Alice L. Bond, Mrs. Coyne Cowles, Charles E. Massey & Elgin Thornton regarding Daniel Toas Massey, Mrs. Anton (Betty) Auten's book, Seneca County N.Y. Census 1800 to 1925

GL,Jr.: letter of May 8, 1979 to Mr. P.J. Townsend at the Kent County Public Library asking Mr. Townsend to send what he has done or not start what was requested since the March 26, 1979 letter

GL,Jr.: letter of May 8, 1979 to Missouri State Archives to be appended to his request for additional material, as noted

Lou Hough: letter of May 4, 1979 to GL,Jr. disclosing for the first time the letters between Mr. John F. Snyder and Benjamin F. Massey, alerted by a reference to Mrs. Warwick Hough

GL,Jr.: letter of May 8, 1979 to Lou Hough regarding several issues: the Daniel Toas Massey (D.T.M.) confusion, D.T.M. records, D.T.M. in Seneca County, New York, Benjamin Franklin Massey's (B.F.M.'s) early life, Benjamin Ulpian Massey's (B.U.M.'s) biography of B.F.M., B.F.M.'s life story, and Logan Sydney Massey

Alice L. Bond: letter replying to GL,Jr.'s suggestions

Leitha Bacon, Mt. Vernon Branch Library, Missouri: letter of May 12, 1979 referring him to the Springfield, Missouri, Greene County Library for genealogical assistance

GL,Jr.: letter of May 17, 1979 to Alice L. Bond, placing the domain of Daniel Toas Massey into the pervue of Judge Massey

Patsy Luebleing: letter of May 14, 1979 stating the requested illegible name as Vivians House

GL,Jr.: letter of May 29, 1979 to Colleen Belk, Jasper County Historical Society, regarding the Tingle & Massey real estate ventures

GL,Jr.: letter of May 29, 1979 to Mrs. Stahle (Jo White) Linn, Jr., passing along his work sheets for Benjamin Franklin Massey

GL,Jr.: letter of June 3, 1979 to Lou Hough describing the title of the Massey book: Benjamin Franklin Massey, 1811-1879, Maryland Ancestry, Missouri Career, Missouri Descendants, more on Daniel Toas Massey, the J.F. Snyder letters, and Logan Sydney Massey

Mrs. Stahle (Jo White) Linn, Jr.: letter of June 1, 1979 replying to GL,Jr.'s data-filled letter of 1380

GL,Jr.: letter of June 5, 1979 to Jo White Linn regarding Sarcoxie, Missouri, and B.F. Massey, 1811-1879

GL,Jr.: letter of June 5, 1979 to Judge Massey regarding Daniel Toas Massey, and Benjamin Franklin Massey, 1811-1879

GL,Jr.: letter describing his query of June 13, 1979 to Heritage Papers, Danielsville, Georgia, regarding Logan Sydney Massey

GL,Jr.: the described query about Logan Sydney Massey, b. June 21, 1848 in Jasper County, Missouri, subsequent locations unknown, except for the 1860 Census of Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri, age 12

GL,Jr.: letter of June 13, 1979 to Missouri State Archives regarding personal records of Benjamin Franklin Massey

GL,Jr.: request to the Missouri State Archives regarding personal papers of Benjamin Franklin Massey

GL,Jr.: letter of June 13, 1979 to Laurel Boeckman, State Historical Society of Missouri regarding personal records of Benjamin Franklin Massey 1391

GL,Jr.: follow-up letter of June 17, 1979 to Colleen Belk referring to his May 29, 1979 letter regarding the Tingle & Massey real estate ventures

Kathleen McIntyre, University of Missouri: negative results regarding Benjamin Franklin Massey personal records

Colleen Belk: letter of June 22, 1979 to GL,Jr. acknowledging GL's tickle letter

Larry A. James: letter received June 27, 1979 by GL,Jr. regarding William Tingle occupations gleaned from 1860, 1870, 1880 Jasper County Censuses

Lou Hough: letter of July 16, 1979to GL,Jr. enclosing a couple of the J.F. Snyder letters and briefly describing 150 to 300 pages of Benjamin Franklin Massey's correspondence with Dr. Snyder

GL,Jr.: letter of August 5, 1979 to Lou Hough, describing his progress in the 250-odd pages of letters described above, Judge Massey's Massey Addendum book (on order) and the status of the Massey Book

Biography of John Francis Snyder, March 22, 1830-April 30, 1921, text copied from the Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. IX, p.389 is still in copyright; see this link instead:

Lou Hough: letter of August 6, 1979 to GL,Jr. regarding what he was finding in the J.F. Snyder letters

Illinois State Historical Society: Index to the Journal; still in copyright; look in this link for articles on Adam Wilson Snyder, Adele Snyder, Annie E. Snyder, and John Francis Snyder

Biography of Adam Wilson Snyder in the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois; still in copyright; see this link instead

Dr. and Mrs. J.F. (Anna E. Saunders) Snyder observe the sixty-third anniversary of their marriage; wedding date was September 27, 1917; out of copyright
Funeral of Miss Nelle Snyder, second daughter of Dr. J.F. Snyder and Annie Saunders; obituary mentions a brother, Fred Snyder and two sisters, Adelle and Isabell, living at home with Dr. Snyder; from Volume XIII of the Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, p.133; date of the funeral was [illegible] 1920

GL,Jr.: letter of August 13, 1979 to Lou Hough, describing his progress with the Snyder - Massey letters, the Massey Book, a clue about Logan Sydney Massey in Brunswick, Saline County, Missouri, and B.F. Massey's desire to get away from Missouri

GL,Jr.: letter of August 16, 1979 to Lou Hough, panning Judge Massey's Massey Genealogy Addendum for: no documentation, full of "by hypothesis" notations, and mentions only one contributor, thankfully neither Lou Hough or GL,Jr.; still abstracting the J.F. Snyder letters

Judge Massey: announcement of (1) the Addendum to Massey Genealogy and (2) Massey on Censuses received by GL,Jr.

GL,Jr.: letter of August 4, 1979 to Judge Massey with $30.00 check for purchase of the above book

GL,Jr.: letter of August 16, 1979 to Judge Massey: "a labor of love on your part, and I am sure very gratifying to you. Congratulations!"

Lou Hough: letter of August 21, 1979 to GL,Jr. with comments on the Snyder letters, Judge Massey's Addendum, and GL,Jr.'s examination of B.F. Massey's personal and political thoughts; thanks for the snapshot of GL,Jr., and enclosing a snapshot of himself, taken by daughter Mary

Gina Holland: letter of August 23, 1979 to GL,Jr. referring to the Ozarks Genealogical Society, Strafford, Missouri, E. Thomas Massey, his three children: Mary Elizabeth "Minnie" never married; Susan "Susie" married Philip Brook, lived in  Chestertown; and Ebenezer Thomas Massey "Tommy" married "Dot"; and giving Mildred Cotton's address as Mill House, Stockton, New Jersey

GL,Jr.: letter of August 26, 1979 to Gina Holland, describing the hundred letters of B.F. Massey, 1811-1879 to Dr. J.F. Snyder, and mentioning E. Thomas Massey

Lou Hough: letter of August 22, 1979 to GL,Jr. correcting the non-existent location Brunswick, Saline County perhaps to Saline County, Illinois and to some Massey's in Galatia, Illinois ... and on to more Missouri history of Massey's

GL,Jr.: letter of August 28, 1979 to Lou Hough regarding the Jule Massey to which Lou Hough had referred above as quite possibly Julian Pinckney Massey; a reference to a son clerking in Brunswick in Saline County in B.F. Massey's letters to Dr. J.F. Snyder, but then ascribing the reference to Logan Sydney Massey; a work-sheet for the Snyder-Sanders families; B.F. Massey's close relationship with Landon Saunders, father-in-law to Dr. J.F. Snyder; and wrapping up his abstracts of the Snyder-Massey letters

Michael S. McCullough: letter of August 28, 1979 to GL,Jr. describing his genealogical connection to Massey through Marie Louise (Mollie) Massey, his grandmother; with additional data

GL,Jr.: letter of September 4, 1979 to Michael McCullough bringing him up to date with the status of the Massey book and sending along actual book material with references to the Massey Data Bank

Lou Hough: letter of September 3, 1979 to GL,Jr. regarding Michael McCullough's data

Judge Massey: letter of September 8, 1979 to Mrs. Gere E. Goldsmith of Atlanta, Georgia with a copy to GL,Jr. regarding Benjamin Addison, etc.

Judge Massey: chart relating Nicholas Massey, Sr. 1858 to Pamela Lamden on the one hand and to Capt. Joshua W. Massey on the other hand

Judge Massey: September 8, 1979 background information before Gere Goldsmith's revelations

GL,Jr.: letter of September 13, 1979 to Judge Massey acknowledging the Gere Goldsmith data

GL,Jr.: letter of September 15, 1979 to Mrs. Mildred Cotton regarding the Massey Family, passing along work-sheets relating his genealogical data to Mrs. Cotton's family, asking Mrs. Cotton to ask Tom (E. Thomas) Massey to make some contributions to the knowledge about Masseys, and asking for data on Logan Sydney Massey

Lou Hough: letter of September 11, 1979 to GL,Jr. regarding his research on Landon Sanders (Saunders)

GL,Jr.: letter of September 17, 1979 to Lou Hough with worksheet detailing Lou's Sanders data, relating Landon Sanders to B.F. Massey as merchants; and the relationship between Mildred Cotton and E. Thomas Massey of Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland

GL,Jr.: genealogical chart for the descendants of Nicholas Massey, b. ca. 1660, d.1726 in Queen Anne's County, Maryland, annotated, "completely re-done"

GL,Jr.: notes - D.T.M. descendants ...XII, p.37 ... XII, p.54 ... D.T.M. incorrect

GL,Jr.: list of underlined (i.e., Massey Database) page references regarding 70.Daniel Toas Massey for Judge Massey, Charles E. Massey, Alice L. Bond, and Elizabeth Cowles

GL,Jr.: letter of July 6, 1979 to Mrs Coyne Cowles, Alice L. Bond, and Charles E. Massey regarding 70.Daniel Toas Massey, giving credit to Lou Hough for doping out the D.T.M. confusion: (1) D.T.M.'s biography; (2) Massey emigrants to New York State; and (3) D.T.M.'s Revolutionary War service

Mrs. William (Mildred) Cotton: letter of September 20, 1979 to GL,Jr. with much Massey history and questions

GL,Jr.: letter of September 26, 1979 to Mildred Cotton regarding Tome Massey, Eben Thomas Massey 1875-1936, Massey line diagram, the April 9, 1907 letter from Benjamin Ulpian Massey to Dr. J.F. Snyder, Scott Withers Massey descendants; asking for help with dates  for her immediate family; Logan Sydney Massey and Julian Pinckney Massey; the Massey Book; and his choice of Harrisonburg, Virginia as the place to live in retirement

Michael McCullough: letter of September 21, 1979 to GL,Jr. with an update of his genealogical progress

Michael McCullough: detailed genealogical data sheets

GL,Jr.: letter of September 26, 1979 to Mike McCullough thanking him for the valuable and detailed information

GL,Jr.: letter of November 15, 1979 to Lou Hough with updates of progress and an outline of the entire Massey Book

Lou Hough: letter of November 7, 1979to GL,Jr. with quotes from a letter written by Miss Theoplis O'Neal, who had nursed Nellie Hough and lived with Miny Borden, regarding Massey history

Lou Hough: letter of December 13, 1979 to GL,Jr. asking how come 4.Elijah Massey died at Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania on February 27, 1812 ?

GL,Jr.: letter of December 18, 1979 to Lou Hough regarding 4.Col. Elijah Eleazer Massey and confusing Massey given names

GL,Jr.: letter of January 10, 1980 to Lou Hough returning the file of B.F. Massey letters and including a file on Langford genealogy sent to George Shealy Langford

GL,Jr.: Microgen query dated February 7, 1980 regarding Logan Sydney Massey on the 1870 & 1880 Censuses for Missouri; no results received as of February 29, 1980

GL,Jr.: tickle letter of March 4, 1980 to Mrs. Coyne Cowles, Alice L. Bond, and Charles E. Massey regarding Daniel Toas Massey

GL,Jr.: letter of March 4, 1980 to Lou Hough outlining the various sections of the Massey Book

Lou Hough [probably - GL,III, ed.]: biography of Orville Lemuel Smith, b. July 19, 1850 at Sandy Hill, Washington County, New York, d. May 8, 1916 in Denver, Colorado

Illegible genealogical chart ...

Lou Hough: genealogical chart of 1969 & 1970 for Thomas Harris and descendants

Nina E. Hough: letter of April 9, 1906 to her son Louis Hough, when Orville L. (Lou) Hough was less than 10 months old, asking her son to move back from Tampica, Mexico

Lou Hough [probably, GL,III, ed.]: biography of Mary Hough, second daughter of Lydia Hollingsworth and John Hough 3rd

Lou Hough [probably, GL,III, ed.]: biography of Sarah Hough, fourth daughter of Lydia Hollingsworth and John Hough 3rd
Lou Hough [probably, GL,III, ed.]: biography of George Washington Hough, only son of Sarah and ______ Hough

Lou Hough [probably, GL,III, ed.]: genealogical chart for Sarah Hough (above) and Elizabeth Hough (below)

Lou Hough [probably, GL,III, ed.]: genealogical chart for Warwick Hough
Lou Hough: letter of March 12, 1980 to GL,Jr. describing the B.F. Massey - J.F. Snyder letters as too depressing to abstract and continuing to speculate that Thomas L. Snead or R.I. Holcomb may have written books about the [Civil] War in Missouri

GL,Jr.: letter of March 14, 1980 to Lou Hough enclosing copies of various Excursi and asking a number of specific questions pertaining to the Excursi and Appendices

Alice L. Bond: letter to GL,Jr. apologizing for having no further data to relate

GL,Jr.: A.I.S. search form, filled out with a request for data on Logan Sydney Massey - payment refunded for negative results

Lou Hough: letter of March 24, 1980 to GL,Jr. regarding a trip, supposedly made in the Summer of 1879 by O.L. Smith, which was actually made by Warwick Hough ... and his children's choice of mates who changed their surnames

Lou Hough: letter of March 24, 1980 with constructive criticisms of GL,Jr.'s Excursus on Hough

Lou Hough: additional page with request to omit mention of the Cabrini Spring Story

Elizabeth Cowles: letter of April 11, 1908 to GL,Jr. apologizing for having no further data to relate
Charles E. Massey: letter of April 16, 1980 to GL,Jr. describing a visit to Maryland's Eastern Shore and lamenting the disarray of Kent County records at the State of Maryland's archives

GL,Jr.: letter of April 5, 1980 to Lou Hough with comments on various Excursi: Hough, Smith, Harris, Withers, Pickett; and on B.F. Massey obituaries' lack of specific mention of the names of the ten surviving children

Lou Hough: letter of April 8, 1980 to GL,Jr. regarding the Excursi: Hough, Smith, Massey, Withers

1495, 1496
GL,Jr.: letter of April 21, 1980 to Charles E. Massey with an update on the Massey Book and asking about his research in Seneca County, New York

Lou Hough: postcard of March 27, 1980 to GL,Jr. regarding Library of Congress "hits" for English Masseys and James Withers; and another postcard of April 5, 1980 announcing the birth of Daniel Louis Hough, son of John Warwick Hough and Judt (Macalady) Hough

Obituary of Ewing Laporte in the Washington Post of April 24, 1980; Mr. Laporte had helped to unravel the heirs of R.D. Massey and the Dimmit County, Texas land parcel; the obituary states that he was born in Normandy, France of a French father and American mother, earned a law degree from George Washington University in 1916, was an assistant secretary of the Treasury and served as Executive Secretary of the Democratic National Convention in 1932

No Link
GL,Jr.: letter of April 22, 1980 to Lou Hough regarding the surprise appearance of a box of letters relating to Bradshaw genealogy; the institutionalized Masseys, 46.Clarence Randolph Massey, 89.Julian Pinckney Massey, and 378.Logan Sydney Massey; and Excursus I - Hough