Voice-to-Text, 15 minutes
...Tree containing and now laid out for 110 acres of land more or less to
be holden of the Manor of
Nanticoke. [illegible] John Taylor.
Ex. [illegible] Richard Smith _____________________ Their [illegible] I do hereby [illegible] onto Nicholas & Josias Massey and heirs 110 acres of land out of a warrant for 1000 acres granted on the eighth day of October 1694. To have and to hold the same unto them the said Nicholas and Osiris Massey their heirs and [illegible] forever [illegible] witness my hand and seal this 25th day of November 1694 John Taylor _____________________ Their Pat. Charles [illegible] To all and know ye that for & in consideration that Nicholas and Josias Massey both of Dorchester County in our said province of Maryland hath due unto the said Josias by[illegible] of that quantity from John Taylor out of a warrant for 1000 acres granted to this said Taylor the eighth day of October 1694 as appears in our land office and upon such conditions and terms as are expressed in our conditions of plantation aforesaid province bearing date the fifth day of April 1684 and remaining upon record in our said province of Maryland. We do therefore hereby grant unto them the said Nicholas & Josias Massey all that tract or parcel of land called The Outlett, lying in Dorchester County and at the head of Garther's [illegible]. Beginning at a bounded red Oak and running thence Southeast 40 perches to another marked Oak thence Southwest 48 perches thence Southwest 400 perches thence North Northwest 50 [illegible] perches thence North North East 366 perches and from thence by a straight line to the first tree containing and now laid out for 110 acres of land more or less according to the certificate of survey thereof taken and returned to our land office bearing date the 25th day of November 1695 and there remaining together with all rights profits benefits & privilege thereunto belonging. /Royal mines excepted./ To have and to hold the same unto them the said Nicholas Josias Massey their heirs and [illegible] forever to beholden of us in our selves as of our manner of Nanticoke in free & common [illegible] by [illegible] only for all manner of services yielding therefore yearly unto us and our heirs [illegible] receipt and [illegible] of St. Mary's at the two most usual feasts in the year Viz. the feasts of the Association of the [illegible] [illegible] the Arch. by even & equal portions the rent [illegible] of eight shillings and five pence [illegible] in silver or gold and for a fine upon every alienation of the said land or any part or parcel thereof one whole year's rent in silver or gold or the full value thereof in such commodities as we or our and our heirs for such officer or officers as shall be appointed by us and our heirs from time to time to ... |
MASSEY - 1748 Image![]() |
MASSEY - 1750 Image ![]() |