by George Langford, Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1966
2005 by George Langford
Low Alloy Steels - Lesson 1 - Eighth specimen
Eutectoid steel at 100x etched
This is unusually coarse pearlite in a eutectoid (0.8% carbon) steel.  The colors in the first picture at left, shown at 100X with a Nital etch, are interference effects.

The apparent interlamellar spacings act as diffraction gratings for the reflected light. 

The opalescence of the specimen when viewed with the naked eye gives pearlite its name.  Most of the other names of microconsituents in steel were chosen to honor early researchers in the field of metallurgy.

Eutectoid steel at 500X etched
At 500X at left you can now resolve all but the finest of the apparent interlamellar spacings.  The finest spacings seen here were sectioned at right angles to the planes of the lamellae, and so they are the actual spacings.  The others were mostly sectioned at shallower angles.  The angle of sectioning cannot be determined without tedious serial sectioning of the specimen.  There can also be a distribution of actual spacings. 

The transmission electron microscope is of great help here; see below.
Pearlitic wire, heavily wire drawn
Transmission electron micrograph of pearlitic steel wire cold drawn to 98% reduction of area

Here we avoided the usual sectioning error by growing the pearlite from austenite unidirectionally in a steep temperature gradient.  That aligned most of the pearlite parallel to the wire axis, so we could then study the effect that wire drawing has on the microstructure of the pearlite. 

The wide variations in interlamellar spacing are the result of an interaction between the preferred crystalline orientation of the ferrite and original orientation of the ferrite with respect to the pearlite lamellae.
SUMMARY: Be sure you understand the workings of the iron - cementite phase diagram so that the sequence of formation of the microconstituents of these specimens makes sense.  Their arrangements and morphologies are quite sensitive to the details of the heat treatment, processing, and chemistry by which they were formed (or failed !).
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