by George Langford, Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1966
2005 by George Langford
Non Ferrous Alloys - Lesson 3 - Third specimen
Silicon bronze at 50X potassium chromate etch This silicon bronze has a particularly complex microstructure.  Those lines aren't scratches ...

The image at left is at 50X magnification.
Silicon bronze at 500X potassium chromate etch Here the magnification is 500X.

The copper - silicon system is reproduced below.

What is the history of this specimen ?
Copper-silicon system
The copper - silicon system is shown at left ...

Think through the sequence of freezing of an alloy around 4-1/2% silicon.

After spending no more than a few moments' time and without fretting if it seems like hard work, look here.

This is obviously a casting; the alpha is cored, with crystallographically oriented "strain markings" which are probably precipitates.  There are at least two peritectics, three peritectoids, and three eutectoids in this phase diagram, which renders interpretation of the microstructure rather difficult.  The last metal to freeze could contain even more than 10% silicon, so evidence of nearly every phase in the above diagram could show up somewhere in the cast microstructure.                                                                       Go on to Specimen 4.