by George Langford, Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1966
2005 by George Langford
Non Ferrous Alloys - Lesson 3 - Thirteenth specimen
Leaded monel at 500X
Here we have a leaded monel (70% nickel - 30% copper) propeller shaft, shown at 500X.  The etchant was Marble's reagent. 

Although it is really too hard to answer from just the one photomicrograph, can you guess what happened ?
The shaft failed by pitting corrosion in stagnant salt water (the pits can't be seen here).  The fatigue crack seen in the photomicrograph started at stress corrosion cracks emanating from the pits.  The lead stringers cannot be distinguished in this photomicrograph.                            Go on to Lesson 4.              Return to Non-Ferrous Metals Introduction.