by George Langford, Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1966
2005 by George Langford
Non Ferrous Alloys - Lesson 4 - Fourth specimen
Aluminum - 4.5% copper casting at 50X
Here we have an aluminum casting alloy containing 4.5% copper and a maximum of 1.0% iron, 1.0% silicon, 0.3% manganese, and 0.3% zinc.  The first photomicrograph was taken at 50X; the second one was made at 200X.  The etchant was Keller's etch.

The "Chinese script" microstructure is an aluminum - iron - silicon compound that is typical of impure aluminum castings.
Aluminum - 4.5% copper casting at 200X
The third phase, originally smoothly gold colored and now a faint pink in the image at left, is CuAl2.  Note the "brown rings" that are due to coring.

Specimen 5 is the same alloy, but heat treated.