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  Stanley-made twelve inch sweep No.811 brace with patented chuck & spindle fastening. 

Stanle No.811 ratchet brace
Other side
Head view
Chuck apart (composite image)
Both handles are very dark rosewood:
Ratchet housing & selector:
Wrist handle
Spindle view
Price: $55.00 plus shipping

There are two patent numbers stamped into the shell of this brace's chuck, one for the chuck and the manner of guiding its jaws, and the other for the elaborate fastening of the spindle. Looking at Figure 2 of U.S.Patent No. 1,880,521 on the left below, note the robustness of the chuck body where it fastens to the wire frame of the brace, which is much stronger than the spindle of a Stanley 2100-series brace. Furthermore, in spite of the clunky sound that the ratchet makes, this brace requires less torque to operate than the ratchet mechanism of a Stanley 2100-series brace. The handles are both nearly black rosewood, somewhat dinged from the toolbox, but still intact. 

U.S. Patent No. 1,880,521
U.S. Patent No. 1,915,245
Model number
Model No.811-12-Y
U.S. Patent No.'s 1,880,521 & 1,915,245
Pat's No.'s
1,880,521 & 1,915,245