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Stanley-made ten inch sweep No.919 brace with rotating-sleeve pattern chuck. 

Stanley No.919 brace
Other side
Head view
Chuck apart
Chuck apart
Price: $40.00 plus shipping

Thisw is the culmination of the transition of this model from the factory of the John S. Fray Company to that of the Stanley Rule & Level Company. There are no Fray marks, and the characteristic rounded end of the ratchet housing has given way to an angular bevel. See B&D-135, B&D-118, B&D-121, B&D-123, and B&D-124 for various percentages of Fray parts in earlier versions.

Both handles were made from rosewood:
Mfg. mark:
Model No. 919 - 10 in.:
Wrist handle
Manufacturer's mark
Model No.919-10IN