B&D-173 Price: $65.00 plus shipping There is an excellent description of the genesis of the Saxton & Amidon firm in Randy Roeder's history of the Millers Falls Company: Charles Amidon's carriage-making business had gone bust in an economic downturn, followed by a fire that destroyed much of the carriage-making portion of his factory. Elijah Root Saxton bought the brace-making tooling from the bankrupt factory and eventually formed this partnership with Amidon in order to secure the rights to several brace patents. Note that this brace's wrist handle ferrules have the swaged profile that is a characteristic of nearly all Amidon-related braces. According to another page in Randy Roeder's history of the Millers Falls Company, the July 20, 1880 date appeared on the chuck of another Amidon firm, Amidon & White.