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Gimlet bits.
Shown at approximately actual size.
Gimlets-01: made by Snell. ... Price: $2 each.
Gimlets Set 01
The sizes of these two bits may be "4" and "6" or "9."  I'll check by drilling holes.  The upper one needs to be straightened.  I'll do that, too, as well as touching up the cutting edges with a rattail file (i.e., on the inside of the curl, never on the outside, as that removes the required clearance in the cutting edge.  They're both marked, "SNELL," a maker listed in DAT.
No.4: 0.147- inch SOLD
No.9: 0.26 inch; very dull.
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
Gimlets-02: Various makers ... Price: $4 each.
Gimlets 02
Makers are (top to bottom):
Otto Kress, Cleff, and
J.F.M. & C, none of which are listed in DAT.

Right-click on an image and select "view image" to see it at full resolution.
No.6: 0.169 inch
J.F.M. No.6: 0.185 inch SOLD
No.8: 0.221 inch sharp ! SOLD
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
Gimlets-03: ... Price: $10 the "set."
Sizes are (top to bottom):
"8, 7, 5, 4 & 3."
No.4 has a Keen Kutter logo.
No.3's mark is illegible.

No.'s 3,5,7 & 8 are SOLD
Makers (most not so marked)
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
No.3: 0.096 inch
No.4: 0.154 inch
No.5: 0.161
No.7: 0.202
No.8: 0.221
Gimlets-04: ... Price: $2 each.
All three bits are marked, "Henry Boker," but the bottom one has "Germany" as well, making it a later one.  It also has a diffferent cutting tip.
I'll size these by sharpening them and drilling holes.

No.6: 0.166 inch
In middle above. SOLD
H.B. Germany No.6: 0.189 inch
On bottom above.
Rob Hall: 0.196 inch sharp !
At the top above. SOLD
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
Gimlets-05: ... Price: $2 each.
Both bits are marked, "Henry Boker," as for Gimlets-04.
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
Longer No.9: 0.25+ inch SOLD
Shorter No.7: 0.196 inch SOLD
Gimlets-06: ... Price: $2 each.
Both bits are marked, but all I can make out is," PRAT..."
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
Upper No.9: 0.25+ inch
Lower No.8: 0.228 inch SOLD
Gimlets-07: ... Price: $2 each.
There are no maker's marks on these three bits, and I'll have to drill some holes to decipher the marked sizes (at right.)
Diameters of holes drilled by the above bits in a piece of hemlock furring.
No.8: 0.22
No.10: 0.265 SOLD
No.11: 0.313 SOLD
Gimlet-08, at right, has lost its patented tip, so its main distinction is that the patent is listed in the Directory of American Toolmakers, published by the Early American Industries Association, Robert E. Nelson, Editor.  The patent date of December 4, 1855 makes the bit between 138 and 155 years old.  The patent is also listed in the Directory of American Tool and Machinery Patents (DATAMP) and is now known to have been produced !  According to the claims, it's still covered, even without the threaded tip.
Gimlets-08: ... Price: $10; it's currently too dull to drill, even in hemlock.
Size Maker
Patented December 4, 1855
US PAtent No. 13,897 (Charles C. Tolman, inventor)
The claims of US Patent No. 13,897, Charles C. Tolman, inventor, are:

Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is,

Constructing the lower or outer ends of the two screw threads or flanches B, B, of the gimlet in rounded or curved parabolic form and having the sides or edges of said portions of the threads or flanches brought to a sharp or cutting edge, the screw or worm (c) being used or not as desired.