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Braces -  Another Type Study of Sorts
by George Langford

Millers Falls No. 30 - 14 inch swing brace
Millers Falls No. 30 brace - B&D-50

This 14 inch swing brace is a workhorse for square-shank bits. 
Jan. 10, 1911 and Apr. 11, 1911
The shell of the chuck bears two mostly illegible patent dates, but neither date applies to the chuck.  I cannot reconcile the fact that the day in the lower month's date looks like "25."
Another brace, long since sold, had a more readable shell.  The dates on that brace's shell were Jan. 10, 1911 (US Patent No. 981,315) and Apr. 11, 1911 (Patent No. 989,203):
US Patent No. 981,315, Jan. 10, 1911
US Patent No. 989,203, Apr. 11, 1911
Above, the chuck shaft has a flat that fits the "D" shape of the hole in the cupped washer into which the screw fits.
At right, the wrist handle has recessed rings which ride on spigots machined onto the thrust collars.
The two patented features are more visible below, left: The screw at the top of the ratchet housing; and the collars holding the wrist handle in place.  Even though the wrist handle has a couple of small cracks, it's not going to fall apart, because the metal collars are reinforcing it circumferentially.  However, note that this brace's collars have been simplified: They don't have set screws, and they don't have the patent's spigots fitting inside the handle's reinforcing rings.
Note the pad and the top of the ratchet housing
Cracks in wrist handle
Chuck disassembled