Sole distribution
Warenhandels-Compagnie m.b.H.for Argentine, Brazil, and Philippine Islands by Berlin W 50 (Germany) Neue Bayreuther Strasse 2 ___________________________________________
In experimentalizing to drill we had the following result, where all 3 machines were working with 5 mm spiral drill in 6,5 mm angle-iron and for a time of 3 1/2 minutes real drilling and without marking any center: Number of the Average-time for attained drilled holes drilling a hole American Hand-Drilling-Machine 4 30 seconds (as illustrated on the right) Electric Hand-Drilling 13 9 seconds Machine (in the middle) Hand-Drilling-Machine 28 4 1/3 seconds „Ultra-Rapid" (on the left) |
„Ultra-Rapid" is
drilling up to 10 mm diameter in steel, iron and other metals and materials with a
speed not attained before. Construction: „Ultra-Rapid", by a special arrangement of the balbearings, is working with a perfect ease and its wheels are not consuming unprofitable power, because they are no bevel wheels at which the theeth are touching only on a single point and therefore are upsetting very often, but „Ultra-Rapid" is provided with broad spur-gears, precisely cut and working on the whole flank. The extra long boring-bar guarantees an uniform motion. Bevel-wheelgearing is avoided. Advantages: The high-effect drilling-machine, „Ultra-Rapid" is independent of electric current, always ready for use and adjustable to two different speeds. Uniformity of running and less breakage of drills, because of its driving-crank lying centrically to the drilling-arbor always entirely uniform motion in drilling, no jolting, no rattling. „Ultra-Rapid" is overcoming any resistance of drilling and is therefore transmitting wholly all strength and pressure into drilling-effect respectively into drilling-speed. Transportable without trouble. Especially suitable for Mounting-works as Hand-Grinding-Machine for drills |
and other tools, further for
wimbling the holes and as a Tapping-Machine. „Ultra-Rapid" used as a
Tapping Machine unites the advantages of a screw-plate (sensitiveness) and those of a Tapping-Machine (speed). Economy: No consumption of electric current by a drilling-effect of the double at least, little wear and tear, because bevel-wheel gearing is avoided, less breakage of drills, economy in Workingtime. „Ultra-Rapid" makes needless the purchase and the transport of Grinding-Machine and Tapping-Machine. Weight: Net weight about 4 kilos. Original case contains 10 machine complete in extra boxes with accessories, and weighs ab. 120 kilos. Directions for use: „Ultra-Rapid" only requires for boring a quick and uniform tempo. The cog-wheel being on the lengthening of the arbor is provided with an elastic spring. By pressing this spring in the direction of the periphery of the cog-wheel, this wheel can be pushed forward or backward in the direction of the boring-arbor and in this way, the different speeds can be regulated. After having fixed the screw-clamp, „Ultra-Rapid" has to be put with the red painted hole being at the hoop, on the same level with the handle the pivot of the binding-screw and thus in such way, that the boring-chuck is coming to the right hand and the |
handle has to be
turned with the left hand (whilst the right
hand has to hold the working-piece). Then the connecting sheave has to
be put on the pivot in such a manner, that the notch in the upper right
corner is at the inside. Now fix and screw the winged nut and „Ultra-Rapid" is ready for serving as Grinding-Machine and Tapping-Machine. In every shop for workmen and foremen as well as for enginefitter on out-door-works, further for ship-yards, in mines and in the workshops of Railroads, Gas, Water, Electricity companies and Motor-cars. Delivery: „Ultra-Rapid" will be delivered with a „Samson" double-cheek boring chuck up to 10 mm, together with a key, a grinding-sheave, a screw-clamp and with a portable case with handle. Large stock on hand, therefore always ready for delivery. ___________________________________________ Sole
Warenhandels-Compagnie m.b.H.for Argentine, Brazil, and Philippine Islands by Berlin W 50 (Germany) Neue Bayreuther Strasse 2 ___________________________________________ |