by George Langford, Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1966
2005 by George Langford
Non Ferrous Alloys - Lesson 1 - Fourth specimen
Bearing bronze 50X etched
The six frames on this page describe a copper - 10% tin bearing bronze containing added lead.  The three photomicrographs were made from essentially the same general area in a single specimen.  They look so different because of the vastly different fields of view at the three magnifications.

At 50X the cast, microsegregated, dendritic microstructure is evident.
Bearing bronze 200X etched
At 200X the bluish-white delta microconstituent can be seen.  The black areas in these two photomicrographs are either shrinkage cavities or lead particles; can you tell one from the other ? 
Bearing bronze 500X etched
The coring that is evident above at 200X and at left at 500X shows because the copper center (core) of each dendrite arm is copper-rich and etches more slowly than does the outside of each dendrite arm.  Even the delta is cored, as you can see at left.
Copper - Tin phase diagram
The copper - tin phase diagram should help you to interpret this microstructure.  There are several intermediate phases and complex solid-state invariant reactions.
Copper - Lead phase diagram
The copper - lead phase diagram shows that there is essentially no solubility of lead in solid copper and that lead remains molten in solidified copper above 326C.
Scheil analysis of coring
This is the formal development of the Scheil analysis of coring (microsegregation) during solidification.  The key assumptions are that there is no diffusion in the solid and that there is complete mixing in the liquid.  The Scheil equation explains why the delta phase appears in this alloy, even though alpha (copper rich in tin) and lead should be the only microconstituents.  The last liquid to freeze is significantly enriched in tin.

Specimen 5 is a cast alpha brass.